Youth invent and share a new shape.
Step 1
- Say, “We’re going to explore shapes today. How many different shapes can you think of?”
- Allow youth to discuss different shapes.
- Optional: Share some examples from the following master list:
- Say, “Shapes are a part of art. Different shapes can be made with curves and lines. Let’s go on a shape scavenger hunt around the room to see how many shapes we can find. When we find a shape, let’s draw it on our board.”
- Instruct youth to walk around the room and go to the chart paper/whiteboard/chalkboard and draw the shape they see. Let them know that once one type of shape is found, they don’t need to draw it on the board again. For example, if they find a circular table, they you don’t have to repeat that shape.
- Give youth two to five minutes for this exploration.
Step 2
- Say, “Now that we have found a bunch of different shapes, it’s your turn to invent a new shape of your own! This shape should be made up of lines and/or curves. Look at all the shapes we found around the room and make up a new shape you don’t see on our board.”
- Allow youth time to create their new shape using colored pencils, markers, crayons or pens.
- Encourage youth to try a couple different types of new shapes.
- Support youth if they have questions or need help.
- Allow youth as much time as available to create and color their new shape.
Step 3
- Ask youth to name their new shape once they have a shape they are happy with.
- Allow youth to share their new shape and its name.
- Provide recognition and gratitude for any youth who shares.