Youth invent and share a new shape.
Step 1
- Say, “We’re going to explore shapes today. How many different shapes can you name?”
- Allow youth to discuss different shapes.
- Optional: Share some examples from the following master list:
- Say, “Shapes are a part of art making. Different shapes can be made with curves and lines.”
- Say, “Use the magazines to go on a shape scavenger hunt. See how many shapes you can find. You may even see multiple shapes in one image.”
- Instruct youth to look through different images in magazines and circle all the different shapes they see.
Step 2
- Say, “Now that we have found a bunch of different shapes, it’s your turn to invent a new shape of your own! This shape should be made up of lines and/or curves.”
- Allow youth time to create their new shape using colored pencils, markers, crayons or pens.
- Encourage youth to try a couple different types of shapes.
- Remind youth that they can look back on the shapes they found in images for inspiration.
- Allow youth as much time as available to create and color their new shape.
Step 3
- Ask youth to name their new shape when they have a shape they are happy with.
- Allow youth to share their new shape and its name.
- Provide recognition and gratitude for any youth who shares.